Potential of marine macroalgae against halomonas species isolated from the epithelial surface of infected adult Hippocampus kuda (yellow seahorse)

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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Potential of marine macroalgae against halomonas species isolated from the epithelial surface of infected adult Hippocampus kuda (yellow seahorse)

Carl Nico Oñate, Sharon Rose Tabugo
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 137-150, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


An impediment to successful rearing of seahorses Hippocampus kuda (yellow seahorse) are microorganisms that serve as causative agent of diseases leading to high mortality and low survival rates in tanks. Antibiotics are used to treat such diseases but improper usage of antibiotics may promote resistant pathogens. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify bacteria species from infected seahorses with signs of ulcerative dermatitis through DNA barcoding via 16s rDNA bidirectional gene sequencing and determine marine algae with potential antibacterial activity in order to find alternate source for treatment. Results show three (3) strains of Halomonas species based on morphological characterization and DNA barcoding. Ethanol extraction was used to produce varying concentrations of algal extracts and were tested against the Halomonas species using Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. The zones of inhibition exhibited by the three different extracts against strains of Halomonas were not comparable to broad spectrum commercialized antibiotic Tetracycline (positive control) but showed great potential if percent concentration of extracts were to be increased. Thus, marine algae used in this study: Ulva intestinalis and Sargassum crassifolium can be a potential natural source of antibacterial compounds against pathogenic micoorganisms that pose a threat to seahorse aquaculture in general.


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