Present characteristics of cowpea variety selection criteria vary significantly in major growing regions of Kenya

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Present characteristics of cowpea variety selection criteria vary significantly in major growing regions of Kenya

J.N. Simbauni, M.M. Muraya, D.K. Isutsa
Int. J. Biosci.25( 1), 37-49, July 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is an important legume serving multiple roles for many low-income farmers. However, its productivity remains low and discrepancies exist in selection and acceptability criteria. Including farmer-preferences could help develop adoptable varieties. This study surveyed present production practices among 64 representative smallholders to inform breeding objectives. A cross-sectional survey design was used to collect data analysed using SPSS Software version 23. Education, land, drought, seed sources, improved variety, seed availability, and pests significantly (P<0.001) affected cowpea production. Most respondents were married, aged 31-40 years, and had primary, secondary or tertiary education. About 60.9% practiced mixed cropping, while 60.9% grew cowpea with multiple crop cycles. Whereas majority relied on rain, 32.8% strongly agreed that drought determined cowpea variety adopted. Acreage cultivated was <1 acre by 84.4% respondents. Farmers named 7 insect-pests as major threats, with aphids leading (67.2%). Five diseases were major constraints, with cowpea mosaic virus leading (64.1%). Majority (68.8%) grew cowpea for dual usage as grains and leafy vegetables. Farmer-preference revealed that leaf texture, seed colour and availability traits determine variety choice. Households totalling 46.9% preferred medium leaf texture with delicious (28.1%), sweet (26.6%) or bitter (12.5%) taste. There was a significant association between region and drought (χ2=15.57, df=4, P=0.004), region and production purpose (χ2=16.49, df=2, P=0.004), as well as region and utilisation (χ2=8.44, df=1, P=0.004). In Western 38.2% and Eastern 63.3% respondents strongly agreed that drought was a constraint. A total of 70% and 52.9% respondents in Eastern and Western, respectively, grew cowpea as a mixed crop. Most respondents (47.1%) in Western grew cowpea for leafy vegetables, while 86.7% in Eastern grew for dual-usage. This study recommends use of present baseline information on key selection criteria in generating demand-led variety design during breeding.


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