Prevalence of green mold disease of citrus in Punjab, Pakistan

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Prevalence of green mold disease of citrus in Punjab, Pakistan

Awais Ahmed Khan, Zafar Iqbal, Muhammad Atiq
Int. J. Biosci.18( 5), 62-68, May 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Kinnow mandarin is the most important fruit crop grown in sub-tropical areas of Punjab. Several postharvest pathogens attack citrus fruit, among which Penicillium digitatum causing green mold of citrus is the most devastating pathogen. Disease symptoms appear initially as watery, soft and discoloured spots on the fruit surface and later on, white mycelium appears which is converted into an olive-green mass of spores. During the survey in the year 2016, maximum disease incidence (34%) was observed in Shaheenabad followed by Bhalwal (32%) and Kotmomin (30%) in district Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. Minimum disease incidence (14%) was observed in Chak Shahana. In 2017, maximum disease incidence was observed in Shaheenabad (36 %) and a minimum disease incidence of 16% was observed in Chak Shahana. Disease incidence of green mold was higher at all locations as compared to other rots.

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