Productivity of maize through salt tolerant Rhizobia strains under salt stress conditions

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Productivity of maize through salt tolerant Rhizobia strains under salt stress conditions

Shahab Ahmad Khosa, Zahir A Zahir, Khalid Saifullah Khan
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 204-211, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


A study was conducted to investigate the potential of Rhizobia to improve the growth and productivity of maize under saline conditions. Maize seeds were inoculated with four pre-isolated Rhizobia strains (CRI-34, CRI-29, S-43 and LSI-25) along with un-inoculated control. Two salinity levels (6 dSm-1 and 12 dS-1) along with original EC maintained in the pots using NaCl salt. Maize seeds were sown in the pots. Results indicated that Rhizobia has the potential to induce salt tolerance in plants under saline stress conditions. Significant increase in growth and yield of maize was recorded. Among the Rhizobia strains LSI-25 performed better in almost all the yield and growth parameters. Under LSI-25 inoculated seeds, 35% increase in growth and yield was recorded followed by S-43 with 24%, CRI-29 with 14% and CRI-34 with 11%. Rhizobia strains increased the crop growth and yield by maintaining the nutrient balance in maize plants.


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