Profitability of fruit business in one municipality of Northern Philippines

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Profitability of fruit business in one municipality of Northern Philippines

Beatriz B. Oñate
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 489-497, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Fruits and vegetables have been identified as potential production alternatives to use available farm resources. This study aimed to determine the profitability of fruit business in Conner Apayao, Northern Philippines. Data were obtained from the 110respondents through a questionnaire and gathering of the secondary data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to determine the relationship between the production area and yield and among the production area, yield and profit were used in the data analysis. Findings of the study revealed that the wider the production area, the higher the production yields. The banana plant had the highest production area while the dragon fruit had the least production area. In terms of production yield and production cost, rambutan had the highest production yield and cost. On the average profit and the profitability along net profit margin, return on investment and benefit-cost ratio, all the fruits are very profitable with rambutan consistently generating the highest profit and profitability ratio for 5 years. Furthermore, there is a significant perfect relationship between average production area and yield. There is a low correlation between production area and profit while a negative low correlation exists between yield and profit. The fungible and perishable items were the top problem encountered by the fruit farmers in Northern Philippines.


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