Proposed science communication plan of school plus home cacao project: Insights from the Penta Helix Model of innovation towards community development

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Research Paper 09/06/2023
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Proposed science communication plan of school plus home cacao project: Insights from the Penta Helix Model of innovation towards community development

Gilbert C. Magulod Jr., Janilete R. Cortez
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 54-71, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This qualitative study explores the role of science communication in enhancing community engagement and supporting sustainable development through the School + Home Cacao Project, implemented by the Cagayan State University in the Municipality of Lasam, Cagayan, Philippines. The study aims to develop a comprehensive science communication plan that effectively engages stakeholders from government, academia, industry, civil society, and the public, inspired by the Penta Helix Model. By integrating data from various sources and employing directed qualitative content analysis, the study provides valuable insights into community needs, challenges in cacao farming, and the impact of the project. The findings emphasize the commitment of stakeholders to community development and underscore the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration and inclusivity in driving positive change. With support from government, academic expertise, industry linkages, civil society advocacy, and public enthusiasm, the School + Home Cacao Project exemplifies the transformative potential of effective science communication and collaborative efforts. The proposed science communication plan encompasses tailored communication materials and activities, promoting maximum stakeholder engagement and ownership. The plan’s success is reinforced by sustaining positive perception and enthusiasm among parents and families, thus fostering strong community support and involvement. As a model for community development initiatives, this study showcases how effective communication, guided by the Penta Helix Model, can empower local communities, address challenges, and promote sustainable outcomes. The study offers recommendations for strengthening multi-stakeholder collaboration, implementing long-term monitoring and evaluation, and scaling up similar projects. Emphasizing the importance of inclusive communication, this research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on science communication and its role in community development. Ultimately, the insights gained from this study provide valuable guidance for practitioners and researchers worldwide, supporting their endeavors in driving positive change and progress through effective science communication.


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