Proximate analysis of brown sugar flaxseed toffees using different concentrations of flaxseed powder

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Research Paper 01/09/2020
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Proximate analysis of brown sugar flaxseed toffees using different concentrations of flaxseed powder

Anum Nazir, Huda Ismail, Nishat Zafar, Sidra Anam, Uswa Ahmad, Riffat Shamim Aslam
Int. J. Biosci.17( 3), 1-6, September 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is an important plant and has nutritional value. It has been used since past for curing abdominal pain and other medical purposes. People can use flaxseed powder to fulfill their nutritional requirements. The present study was planned for conducting proximate analysis of brown sugar flaxseed toffees. Raw organic flaxseeds were purchased from market, washed, dried and grinded to fine powder form. Using different concentrations of flaxseed powder, brown sugar toffees were made and divided into different treatment groups. Both sensory and proximate analysis were performed. In Sensory analysis, it was found that among all the treatments, group 5 (containing 2.5% flaxseed powder) has the highest rate of overall acceptability. High level of flaxseed powder resulted in decrease of mean score value of sensory analysis. A 2.5% level of flaxseed powder resulted in acceptable product. It was depicted that most desirable nutrients like protein and fat were increased with increase of flaxseed powder. In conclusion, flaxseed powder made brown sugar toffees with 2.5% concentration have good nutritional values along with acceptable physical characteristics.


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