Psychological restoration experience through the impact of green environments: the effects of perception of stress and stressors

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Psychological restoration experience through the impact of green environments: the effects of perception of stress and stressors

Fahimeh Malekinezhad, Hasanuddin bin Limit
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 4), 65-73, October 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


University students have been demonstrated to be in a great need for restoration because of experiencing high amount of stress in their academic life. Immediate contact with nature and restoration experience is a solution for ever-increasing problem of stress. Based on theories of restorative environments and supportive landscapes, natural environments regain human psycho-physiological and emotional resources, which are diminished with excessive stress. However, how need for restoration can effect on experience of restorative outcomes through impact of perceived environmental qualities and perceived restorativeness was not investigated, yet. Using a sample of Malaysian university students, this study examined the effect of need for restoration on these relationships. Mean analysis (t-test) based on individual characteristics, favorite places in campus and restoration experience have been assessed. Through moderation analysis and bootstrapping in PLS-SEM, the effect of perceived stress level on the aforementioned relationships was evaluated. The effect of perceived stress level on restoration experience through the associations of these greenery and restorativeness characteristics were not supported. However, a positive impact on the effect of green landscape qualities on perceived restorativeness has been found. Although impact of perceived campus qualities on perceived restorativeness was supported, when students have highly been confronted with a set of key tensions of university life, the suggested greenery supportive factors were failed to provide significant effect on students after visit feelings of restoration experience.


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