Quail (Coturnix japonica) eggs composition, properties and processing for preservation: A review

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Review Paper 01/11/2021
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Quail (Coturnix japonica) eggs composition, properties and processing for preservation: A review

Ekpo Kotchikpa Justin, Diantom Agoura Joseph, Glago Jean, Osseyi Elolo Germain, Dossou Joseph, Karou D. Simplice
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.19( 5), 60-73, November 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


This review focused on the preservation, processing and properties of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) eggs. Despite its nutritional richness and therapeutic virtues, this valuable product is still unknown to many people and the loss of quail eggs production remains high due to the lack of preservation in some parts of Africa, including Benin. This study examined the available data on the uses, qualities and processing technologies of quail eggs. The reviewed literatures revealed that Japanese quail eggs are richer in nutrients, compared to the eggs of other poultry species. It has also been established that quail eggs possess physico-chemical, nutritional, functional and inhibitory characteristics. It should also be noted that the therapeutic values of quail eggs are mainly associated with their ability to inhibit serine proteases such as trypsin, elastase and others. Quail eggs can act as nutraceuticals by preventing, relieving and curing several diseases, including allergies. Although quail eggs are often consumed as a complete food, they can also be processed into egg products using various technologies such as freeze-drying, pasteurization, atomization and others. The adoption and application of these processing techniques in the African quail industry will certainly resolve the problem of short shelf life of the eggs. This will also encourage more people to consume quail egg and egg products.

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