Qualitative and quantitative analysis on colonizing facial bacterial strains among tertiary students of Iligan City

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Qualitative and quantitative analysis on colonizing facial bacterial strains among tertiary students of Iligan City

Primrose M. Odtojan, Lucilyn L. Maratas
Int. J. Biosci.13( 4), 166-172, October 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The most prominent skin-covered anatomical region is the human face which is a privileged site for growth of microorganisms. This study was conducted to provide information in establishing healthy baseline of facial microflora. This study involved a convenience sample of 135 healthy tertiary students with no evident skin infections. The skin surface samples were obtained by the swab method and all samples were allowed to grow on nutrient agar to determine colonization rates. All clinical samples exhibited bacterial growth   on nutrient agar   while 87% of the MSA plates had growth of bacterial colonies. Two hundred sixty-seven isolated bacterial colonies were randomly picked from NA and MSA plates and were purified and subjected to different identification techniques – colonial characterization, staining for cellular morphologies and biochemical tests. Through these conventional methods of identification, four bacterial species were identified up the genus level: Staphylococcus remained the predominant genus of the superficial skin microbiota at 39% ( Staphylococcus aureus) and 19% (coagulase negative staphylococci); followed by Micrococcus (2%), and Bacillus sp.(1%).


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