Quality of physicochemical properties, color and sensory evaluation with the treatment of maturity and storage in papaya (Carica papaya L.)

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Quality of physicochemical properties, color and sensory evaluation with the treatment of maturity and storage in papaya (Carica papaya L.)

Rita Hayati, Syamsuddin, Siti Hafsah, Halimursyadah
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.13( 3), 54-66, September 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The physicochemical properties of papaya have changes during the maturation and storage time. Quality of papaya that includes appearance, texture, flavor, nutritional value and security is one of the factors that affect consumer tastes. The most important factor is to know the level of maturity and storage duration. Papaya is a fruit that is relatively more easily damaged compared with other fruits because it has a thin skin that is very vulnerable to the impact and injury that allows the occurrence of microorganism activity. The quality of climacteric fruits depends on the timeliness of the harvest and the length of storage. If the fruit maturity level can be predicted precisely before the harvesting process will facilitate the perpetrators of agribusiness papaya in regulating marketing objectives. Proper and appropriate maturity level and storage time can maintain fresh condition of horticultural products and prolong the shelf life so that it can be maintained its availability throughout the year. Papaya used in this study were varieties of calina harvested at 25%, 50% and 75% maturity and storage periods used were 3, 6, 9 days. This study aims to determine the level of maturity and storage duration of papaya quality, as well as the interaction of the level of maturity and storage duration of papaya quality. The results showed that papaya fruit with maturity level of green color with 50% yellow tinge gave the best quality and received by panelists because it gave water content value (90%), vitamin C (76.27 mg/100g), fruit hardness (2.77 mm/g/second), meat color of L value (123.72), organoleptic taste test (3.92) hardness (3.45), aroma (3.46), and overall acceptance (3.90). Storage for 3 days gives the best quality to the papaya fruit because it is stored longer then the shrinkage weight (123.72%), skin color of L value (124.00), the value of a (-1.98) and the value b (81.88), the meat color the value of L (120.67) , the value of a (34.34) and the value of b (56.64) will increase. While water content (91.00%), vitamin C (78.22mg/100g), hardness (3.03), total dissolved solids (11.44⁰Brix) and sensory evaluation are aroma (3.45) will decrease further.

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