Quantification and characterization of waste from Sucrivoire de Zuenoula (Central-West of Ivory Coast)

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Quantification and characterization of waste from Sucrivoire de Zuenoula (Central-West of Ivory Coast)

Die Grace Félicité, Kpata-Konan Nazo Edith
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 442-447, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Waste characterization is a crucial step in waste management, as it allows for a better understanding of its composition, properties and potential impact on the environment. Our study consists first of all in quantifying all waste resulting from the transformation of sugarcane into sugar. These are solid waste (scum, bagasse) and liquid waste (wastewater, molasses). The second step aims to determine some physicochemical parameters (pH, COD, NTK, BOD, COD/NTK). These data were obtained by calculating the daily flow rate and recording the daily data in the management system set up by the plant. Then, analyses were done in situ and in the laboratory. The results of this study reveal a daily production of 99.51 tonnes of scum and 854.30 tonnes of bagasse by the plant. Concerning liquid waste, 2746.4 tonnes of crushed cane generate 8932.56m3/dof effluents and 133.62m3/dmolasses. These effluents are acids with a pH value of 4.62. The average COD content is 1709mg/L with NTK of11.91mg/L. The BOD content is 1584mg/Land the COD/NTK ratio of 143.49. All these different parameters are important for optimal and sustainable management of effluents for the anaerobic digestion process.


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