Quantitative genetic analysis of yield, fibre and physiological traits for drought tolerance of elite cotton cultivars

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Quantitative genetic analysis of yield, fibre and physiological traits for drought tolerance of elite cotton cultivars

Nasreen Fatima Veesar, Muhammad Jurial Baloch, Wajid Ali Jatoi, Shahnaz Memon, Naila Gandhai, Ghulam Aisha Veesar, Muhammad Naeem Kakar, Sanaullah Bhatti
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 443-461, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Classification of water stress tolerant cotton genotypes is a big challenge for breeders and physiologists. Thus present studies was taken up to identify potential cultivars which have the ability to combine their favourable genes on crossing and produce water stress tolerant progenies. For this purpose, the experiment was carried-out in a factorial design with two irrigation regimes (non-stress vs. water stress at reproductive stage) in four replications at Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan. Six cotton genotypes were crossed in a 6 × 6 half diallel mating design during 2010, thus 15 F1s were developed for genetic analysis in 2011. The parent Sadori expressed significantly greater general combining ability for bolls plant-1 (4.04** in non-stress and 4.06** in water stress) and seed cotton yield in Kg ha-1 (165.83** in non-stress and 277.85** in water stress), thus Sadori is regarded as good general combiner parent suitable for hybridization and selection programmes. While many hybrids manifested significantly higher specific combining ability (SCA)  effects, yet cross CIM-496 × CIM-534 exhibited maximum SCA for bolls plant-1 (13.94** in non-stress and 12.89** in stress) and yield (850.09** in non-stress and 1185.35** in stress,  thus considered as good specific combiner hence is suitable for hybrid cotton development in stress and non-stress conditions. The correlation coefficients (r) determined from pooled data revealed that, by and large, the correlations were higher in moisture stress than in non-stress environment. In stress conditions, the higher positive associations between yield, fibre and physiological traits were noted.

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