Ratio « number of males on number of females » for the mass production of Sarotherodon melanotheron’s fry in concrete tanks

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Ratio « number of males on number of females » for the mass production of Sarotherodon melanotheron’s fry in concrete tanks

Chikou Antoine
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 1), 72-81, January 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The appropriate proportion of male and female parents that give a highest number of juveniles is a major concern in tilapia culture Sarotherodon melanotheron due to the oral incubation by males. A study of the ratio “number of males to number of females” on fingerlings production has been performed in order to determine the optimal ratio for S. melanotheron. Five ratios were tested : R1 (1 male to 2 females), R2 (1 male to 3 females), R3 (2 males to 2 females), R4 (2 males to 4 females) and R5 (2 males to 6 females). The experimental device consists of five concrete tanks (1m x 1m x 60cm) filled to 2/3, about 0.17m3 of water. The fish are fed three times a day with a diet containing 35% crude protein. Once a week, the fertilized eggs are collected and incubated in a tank. The hatching rate and larval growth are followed. The experiment was duplicated and lasted 6 weeks to harvest eggs and 40 days to track the growth of larvae. The results show that the number of egg laying is significantly different from a ratio to each other (p ˂ 0.05) and increases with the number of males and females. The highest number of egg laying is obtained with R5 ratio “2 males to 6 females” that seems best for the mass production of juveniles of S. melanotheron. These results provide a basis for the intensive production of S. melanotheron for the aquaculture development in lagoon.

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