Recent research, aspects and conservation strategy towards amphibians of Bangladesh

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Recent research, aspects and conservation strategy towards amphibians of Bangladesh

Md. Mizanur Rahman, Saber Khederzadeh, Muhsina Yasmin, Zia Ur Rahman, Md. Motiur Rahman, Md. Shahinur Islam, Md. Golam Mostafa, Mosharrof Hossain
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 137-151, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The present review described the research trends and conservation issues on amphibians of Bangladesh based on recent published research works. We found twenty amphibian species (11 dicroglossids, 5 microhylids, 2 ranids, 1 rhacophorid and 1 bufonid) from Bangladesh have morphometric data. These researches involved taxonomy, reproduction biology, cryptic diversity and other natural history gives superficial scenario in amphibian conservation. Most research has been conducted in southeastern and northeastern Bangladesh describe ecological implications and threat due to anthropogenic activities and habitats destructions. Morphological and molecular investigations have resulted in the description of six new species i.e., Minervarya asmati, Microhyla mukhlesuri, Microhyla mymensighensis, Minervarya dhaka, Euphlyctis kalasgramensis, Microhyla nilphamariensis recently. Here genus Zakerana was erected for several South Asian species that previously assigned to Fejervarya, but later into the Minervarya. Bio-acoustic analyses are largely wanting but some cross-breeding experiments exist for Hoplobatrachus spp. A large number of amphibian species have been recognized by some morphometric assessments. Amphibian deformity has been reported from Bangladesh, and this serves as a warning and new challenge for survival in the near future. Relative to other countries, Bangladesh has received little attention on amphibians. Accordingly, many important species may be lost before their discovery. In this paper we proposed the diverse amphibian fauna that occupies habitats ranging from the northern and eastern hills to mangrove Sundarbans forests in the southwest and to the southern Bay of Bengal need proper survey and conservation.


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