Recycling of potato waste in the production of the bioplastic in the Souf Region (Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Recycling of potato waste in the production of the bioplastic in the Souf Region (Algeria)

Alia Zaid, Khachekhouche Elamine, Djilani Ghemam Amara, Oucif Alouane Alouane, Kharraz Khaled, Sekour Makhlouf, Hacene Laouedj
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 1-7, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The plastic had been subject to several criticisms related to the environmental aspect when it experienced very slow biodegradability. On the other hand, it contains chemicals that are very harmful to health and cause many diseases, such as cancer. However, this situation, which our objective is carried out in the recovery of potato waste in the manufacture of a plastic material (bioplastic). That even this work is about preserving the environment and health. Bioplastics are made from starch, which is an extract from the potato tuber. When the potato is considered among the most starch-rich plants and also the most common crop in the Souf region (Algeria). According to the results, starch yield varied between 17.6 0.51% (Kondor) and 19.6 0.5% (Spunta). For bioplastic manufacturing, takes 5 g of starch and mix with water and glycerol in the presence of Naoh and Hcl. Then, make the mixture in a high temperature until the dough is obtained. Finally, after drying, a flexible and solid material (plastic) is obtained, with a yield of 41.4 0.1% to 42.4 0.7%.


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