Response of some Tunisian populations of cork oak (Quercus suber. L) to salt stress

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Response of some Tunisian populations of cork oak (Quercus suber. L) to salt stress

Khaoula Chihi, Refka Zouaoui, Youssef Ammari, Mejda Abassi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 96-106, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Cork oak is a forest specie with significant ecological and economic benefits. However, it is threatened with extinction due to its progressive degradation due mainly to the difficulty of semi-regeneration and the sensitivity to current environmental conditions. In this context, we are interested in studying the impact of salinity on cork oak behavior. Three cork oak (Quercus suber) populations were subjected to three treatments during 6 months: the control, irrigated with tap water and two salt treatments with 3 and 6 g / l of NaCl. The rates of relative growth in height, collar diameter and in terms of biomass production were monitored during the treatments. In order to see oak’s response to salt stress, a measurement of baseline water potential and volume pressure curve parameters followed by biochemical analyzes of proline and soluble sugars were performed at the end of the treatment period. The results showed a reduction in relative height, diameter and biomass, varying according to populations and salt doses. However, these disturbances were less pronounced in the plants of the Hammam Bourguiba population, demonstrating their better tolerance to salt doses applied compared to the populations of Kaf Errand and Bellif. In addition, biochemical analyzes helped to explain the significant osmoregulatory capacity in the population of Hammam Bourguiba by large accumulation of proline and soluble sugars, unlike Bellif and Kaf Errand who have depleted rates of soluble sugars and their sensitivities to the salt stress.

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