Rice farms contaminated with toxic heavy metals: The case of Agusan del Sur, Philippines

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Rice farms contaminated with toxic heavy metals: The case of Agusan del Sur, Philippines

Vincent T. Cui, Ruben F. Amparado Jr, Frandel Louis S. Dagoc, Corazon V. Ligaray, Hilly Ann Roa-Quiaoit
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.25( 6), 9-22, December 2024.
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Rice plays a crucial role in food security, but its production faces threats from human-induced pollutants. In the studied area, rice paddies are irrigated with water from the Solibao River, which collects runoff from creeks contaminated with heavy metals due to artisanal and small-scale mining. Heavy metal levels in the paddy soils were analyzed using Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Atomic Absorption for lead (Pb) and Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for mercury (Hg). Among the three agricultural sites studied, the downstream site (Santa Cruz) showed heavy metal concentrations exceeding WHO limits for Pb (0.10 mg kg⁻¹) and Hg (0.08 mg kg⁻¹), with mean values of 38.6 mg kg⁻¹ and 7.71 mg kg⁻¹, respectively. Environmental indices classified this site as æExtremely Contaminated” for Geo-Accumulation Index (Igeo), at æVery High Risk” for Ecological Risk Index (ER), and æVery High Contamination” for Contamination Factor (CF) for both Pb and Hg. Midstream and upstream sites generally had levels below detection limits but require further study for other heavy metal contaminants. The high heavy metal concentrations in downstream agricultural soils are likely due to unregulated waste disposal. This contamination poses significant environmental risks, impacting irrigation water quality and the safety of agricultural soils.


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