Risk assessment of arsenic and heavy metals of drinking water in coastal area: Case for Taluka Keti Bandar, Sindh, Pakistan

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Risk assessment of arsenic and heavy metals of drinking water in coastal area: Case for Taluka Keti Bandar, Sindh, Pakistan

Abdul Raheem Shar, Ghulam Qadir Shar, Mushtaque Ali Jakhrani, Wahid Bux Jatoi, Atta Hussain Rind, Noor Ul Hassan Shar, Noor Zaman, Ghulam Mujtaba Jogi, Amjad Hussain Soomro, Zubeda Bhatti
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 6), 52-64, June 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The current research work was carried out to examine concentration of Arsenic and heavy metals in the water used by the population of area. From study area, samples were collected from sixteen towns/villages for measurement of heavy metals including arsenic. The DMS coordinates were also measured using GPS device from sampling points. The depth observed for sampling points was in the range of 15-25 feet. Heavy metal levels were determined with the help of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Arsenic kit method was employed for arsenic analysis from water samples. Concentration of Fe, Cu and Zn were found below WHO limit in all samples. Arsenic was found higher than WHO limit in villages Baghan Town, Manjhi Khan Baloch, Haji Qadir Bux Baloch, Sajjan Wari, M. Hassan Perozani Baloch, Haji Yaqoob Memon, Muhammad Essa Khaskheli, Esso Baloch and Ali Muhammad Utradi. Cadmium was found above permissible limit in all villages except Village Muhammad Essa Khaskheli. Higher Mn concentration was observed in drinking water of Village Pir Usman Shah Jhaloo only. Higher Ni content in villages, Haji Qadir Bux Baloch, M. Hassan Perozani Baloch, Haji Yaqoob Memon, M. Essa Khaskheli and Ranamori was found. HQs were found in the order of As> Cd> Cr> Cu>Mn> Ni> Zn> Fe and the ranges of cancer risks were observed as As (0.00006-0.00031), Cd (0.00004-0.00051), Cr (0.00044-0.00076), Mn (0.00011-0.00072), Ni (0.00020-0.00032), Fe (0.00037-0.00122), Cu (0.00037-0.00392) and Zn (0.00049-0.00355) mgkg-1day-1.


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