Risk factors and prevalence of coccidiosis in chicken in district Gujarat, Punjab, Pakistan

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Risk factors and prevalence of coccidiosis in chicken in district Gujarat, Punjab, Pakistan

Qualab Naveed, Rani Faryal
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 66-79, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Coccidiosis is one of most deadly protozoan disease of poultry. This study was designed to ascertain prevalence of coccidiosis, role of critical factors, Identification and relative prevalence of species of Eimeria. From February 2013 to October 2017, 5700 gut and 5700 faecal samples of broiler and Layer chickens, suspected for coccidiosis were collected from poultry sale point and poultry farms. There was highest rate of mortality in young birds (age 15-28 days). Highest numbers of positive cases were in august (90.6%) and least in Jun and January (63%). Seven species of Eimeria were detected in field isolates. Eimeria acervulina was found in highest prevalence and Eimeria brunette in least. In summer greatest outbreaks were observed and winter showed least. The incidence of clinical coccidiosis was 30.46% and subclinical was 37.12%. Prevalence of coccidiosis in different management condition was 14.82% good, 20.12% normal, and 32.66% in poor. Prevalence of coccidiosis was 56.02% in broiler and 11.54% in Layer flocks. The prevalence was (36.35%) in rice hull and 31.22% in wood shaving, poultry farms. Eimeria was detected in all poultry farms. Over the years, Continue increase in prevalence of disease and reduction in sensitivity of local population of Eimeria was observed. Type of litter material, time duration, season, humidity, temperature and disposal of dead birds are other critical factors. Both clinical and sub-clinical coccidiosis retards the growth of flocks and cause huge economic loss to farmers. There is need to develop Epidemiological Database of Eimeria for suitable and timely control of coccidiosis.

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