Role of nanoparticles and nano-oxide particles in vaccine development

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Review Paper 01/08/2019
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Role of nanoparticles and nano-oxide particles in vaccine development

Syed Naeem Sajid, Jabir Ali, Shahbaz Shafiq, Sana Abdul Majeed, Amina Azam, Sadia Fiaz, Rabeea Laeeq, Muhammad Zulqarnain, Arzoo Rubab, Zeshan Haider, Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Awais Hayder, Sadam Hussain Siddiqi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 2), 95-100, August 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Nanotechnology is used in vaccine development especially in medical field for diagnosis of many diseases. Different nanoparticles during vaccine formulations designed for their use in promoting of the safe immune response. In order to increase antigen processing, various nanoparticles are used to advance immunity where they might be used as adjuvant. Nanotechnology widely used in medicine for diagnosis by developing nanoparticles of different composition, shapes and sizes. The development of vaccine proves to be very beneficial in the history of controlling diseases. Due to lack of understanding in vivo particular response of various nanoparticles that may operate as delivery system to increase antigen processing. This review provides most recent advances in field of nanovaccinology with the aim of uses of nanoparticles based antigen delivery vehicle and their use in medical field in treating of various diseases. Interaction of nanoparticles with cells of body immune system and their characteristics are discussed. There is need to more understanding of nanoparticles action in immune stimulatory, various delivery modes in addition to their behaviour in vivo and also designing of nanoparticles containing vaccines.

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