Salicylic acid upsurges the heat tolerance of tomato by improving plant water relations and antioxidants activity

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Salicylic acid upsurges the heat tolerance of tomato by improving plant water relations and antioxidants activity

Muhammad Rashid Shaheen, Choudhary Muhammad Ayyub, Muhammad Sarwar Yaqub, Nadeem Sarwar, Rizwan Yaseen, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Abdullah, Adeela Altaf, Muhammad Nawaz, Muhammad Faizan Ali Khan
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 120-130, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Tomato is an economically important but heat prone crop. This study was designed with the view of expanding its growing period and tomato genotypes were grown in the field on three transplanting dates (optimum, late and very late) in order to study the effect of prevailing high temperature and sprayed with salicylic acid to check its effect in mitigation of heat induced damages. The results revealed that heat stress significantly reduced the crop productivity and foliarly applied salicylic acid played substantial role in combating the adversities of high temperature. Improved plant water relations, leaf osmotic potential was measured maximum 0.6 mp4 during the early phase while leaf turgur pressure was found maximum 0.8 mp4 during the middle phase. catalase, peroxidase were recorded 1.8 and 2.0 u/mg respectively during the early and middle of growing while superoxidases were found 20 u/mg in plants sprayed with salicylic acid. The study further reviled that salicylic acid induced tolerance becomes less pronounced under prolonged high level of stress.  The findings of this study will not only help in getting economical yield under high temperature conditions but will also play its role in ensuring food security under global warming scenario.


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