Scientific Contributions and Gaps in Hura crepitans L. Research: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of Publications From 1909 to 2024

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Scientific Contributions and Gaps in Hura crepitans L. Research: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of Publications From 1909 to 2024

Sedami Igor Armand Yevide, Sidoine Kolaolé Yebadokpo, Gbodja Houéhanou François Gbesso
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 31-50, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Hura crepitans, is a species endemic to tropical parts of North and South America, including the Amazon rainforest. It is well-known for its unusual traits, which have important ecological and ethnobotanical applications. Bibliometric analysis was performed using data from Web of Science, Scopus, Research4Life, PubMed, and Google Scholar in May 2024 with “Hura crepitans”, “Hura brasiliensis”, “Hura senegalensis”, and “Hura strepens” as keywords. A total of 453 publications were collected, and after eliminating duplicates and irrelevant publications, 194 scientific production all articles were used for the analysis. The temporal evolution of publications and their total citations over time was computed, and content analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel 2019 and Bibliometrix with Biblioshiny. ArcGIS version 10.4 was used to produce the spatial distribution map and access the spatial pattern of publications. Social network analysis was conducted to understand research networks and clusters using Gephi version 0.9. The results showed a relatively low publication trend during the early decades, with sporadic publications appearing every few years. A significant increase in publications has occurred since 2000. English productions account for 88.14%, with 3,870 citations, averaging 22.63 citations per publication. Forest Ecology and Management emerged as the most productive source, followed by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Knowledge gap analysis revealed the need for research to investigate Hura crepitans toxicity, secure production methods, and ecological connections outside its native location like other African nations in which it has been introduced for deeply mastering the species’ multiple advantages in medicine, industry, agriculture, and other fields.


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