Seasonal variability on the epidemiology of Dengue in Tangub City, Misamis Occidental, Philippines

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Research Paper 05/01/2023
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Seasonal variability on the epidemiology of Dengue in Tangub City, Misamis Occidental, Philippines

Erlyn B. Ladesma, Quineybel N. Mag-usara, Lea Mae G. Matu-og, Monaliza Joy Zaragoza-Magsayo
Int. J. Biosci.22( 1), 119-131, January 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Seasonal variability contributes to the abundance of dengue mosquito vector. In this study, the prevalence rate of dengue on different seasons, by population characteristics and geographical location in the City of Tangub were determined. Dengue cases and climatological information from 2016-2021 were obtained through secondary data gathering. Based on the data, dengue cases are highest on the year 2019. Specifically, dengue was more prevalent during rainy period. In terms of gender and age, males with ages of 10 to 19 were more prone to contracting dengue. Notably, for the last six-years dengue was predominant in built-up areas. The association between climatological factors and dengue incidence was further determined. On hot season, the heat index (-0.12) and precipitation (-0.04) is negatively correlated to dengue cases. While heat index and dengue cases on rainy season have no correlation, precipitation revealed a weak positive correlation (0.04) towards dengue infection. And on cool-dry season, heat index and precipitation showed a weak positive (0.4) and weak negative correlation (-0.10) to dengue cases, respectively. Generally, the climatological variables show no significant correlation (p>0.05) towards dengue cases. This paper revealed that dengue is highest during rainy days however, climatological factors are not reliably considered as effective predictors to dengue cases.


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