Sensorial and nutritional properties of “Pawa” added with pigmented Rice (Oryza sativa)

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Research Paper 07/12/2022
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Sensorial and nutritional properties of “Pawa” added with pigmented Rice (Oryza sativa)

Macluven T. Gonzales, Ma Krischen Z. Austria, Diana O. Lim, Ju-Mark R. Pagaduan, Yvette D. Medrano, Rhea L. Trinidad
Int. J. Biosci.21( 6), 331-340, December 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The traditional rice delicacy pawa of Piat, Cagayan was modified by incorporating pigmented rice varieties particularly red and black rice varieties. The study aimed to determine the optimum level of substitution of pigmented rice flour in the manufacture of pawa and to determine the sensorial, nutritional and functional properties of the enriched rice-based product. Pawa samples were prepared by using 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% of red and black rice flours. Pawa samples were evaluated by 25 panelists using quality scoring, specifically 7- point hedonic scale for the sensory attributes color, aroma, flavour, texture, and general acceptability. The following chemical composition moisture content (g/100g), protein content (g/100g), fat content (g/100g), ash content (g/100g), carbohydrate content (g/100g) and crude fiber (%) of the rice flours as well as the pawa samples were also determined. Based on the results, the general acceptability of pawa samples prepared with 10% and 20% black rice flour were significantly better than the other levels of substitution. Pawa samples with 20 to 30% red rice flour substitution, on the same way, were highly accepted by the panelists in terms of the products’ overall acceptability. Substitution of up both black rice flour and red rice flour in the preparation of pawa also provided higher nutrition.


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