Shelf-life extension of dried kaffir lime leaves by low-impact drying: high flavor and color retention and physico-chemical properties

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Shelf-life extension of dried kaffir lime leaves by low-impact drying: high flavor and color retention and physico-chemical properties

Samnang Pov , Umer Farooq, Puntarika Ratanatriwong
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 32-42, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


No research has yet focused on how the change of organoleptic properties and volatile compounds affected the shelf-life of dried herbs. This research determined the qualities of dried kaffir lime leaves (KL) treated by low impact drying (LTLT) and its effect on shelf-life extension. Samples were blanched then dried at 40oC for 10 hours (LTLT)before stored at accelerated conditions for 12 weeks. Physico-chemical and organoleptic properties, volatile compounds and microbial safety of samples were periodically compared with controls of fresh, commercial, and HTST-treated samples (blanching then drying at 60oC for 6 hours). LTLT samples significantly retained fresh-like color with less color differences (DE) than HTST (p<0.05). The volatile compounds of fresh KL was significantly the highest followed by LTLT-, HTST- and commercial-KL, respectively (p<0.05). Seven key volatile compounds were selected, and citronella, beta-citronella and linalool were three most abundant compounds. The flavor profile of LTLT-treated KL samples was the closest to freshKL. LTLT-treated samples had significantly higher citronella than HTST, resulting in strong, green-leave and citrus odor, whereas that of HTST-KL samples was dried KL leave and woody from nerolidol. During storage, all volatile compounds decreased causing changes in the flavor; however, LTLT-KL still had higher flavor retention than HTST. The moisture content and water activity of both samples slightly decreased but the color difference increased. Both samples still had the microbial safety within standard limit. Thus low impact dryinghelped extend the shelf-life of dried KL (48 weeks) while preserving great color and flavor retention of herbs.


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