Skin infection risk factors and its management

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Skin infection risk factors and its management

Bibi Sazain Aman, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Zohra Samreen, Ashiq Hussain, Imran Taj, Saima Azam, Syeda Ayesha Ali, Sakina Khan, Lalbibi, Saqiba Jogezai, Bilal Javed
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 1), 117-133, January 2020.
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Skin and soft-tissue infections (SSTIs) involve microbial invasion and SSTIs have variable presentations and severities. The challenge of SSTIs is to efficiently differentiate those cases that require immediate attention and intervention, whether medical or surgical, from those that are less severe. SSTIs are among the most severe health problems, particularly in individuals who inject drugs. The skin has an extremely diverse ecology of organisms that may produce infection, and majorities of SSTIs are caused by bacteria, referred as acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSIs). Annually, more than 4 million patients are seen in the emergency department for skin and soft-tissue infections, increased by nearly 1 million from 2007. The factors commonly believed to reveal the high prevalence and incidence of common skin infections in developing countries are poverty related including a low level of hygiene, difficulties accessing water; climatic factors; and overcrowding living conditions. Environmental and lifestyle factors negatively affect skin health and facilitate the spread of contagious skin infections such as furuncles, carbuncles, and impetigo. Poor personal hygiene in rural areas children can lead to various skin infections, and can be transmitted to other close persons. Skin diseases are a common cause of hospital visits worldwide, occurring in both rural and urban populations, affecting both young and old. Reduced functional capacity and increased susceptibility of skin with development of dermatoses, as well as benign and malignant tumors are the most common skin conditions in aged populations worldwide. The diagnosis of skin and soft-tissue infection is difficult because they may commonly trick as other clinical syndromes. The selection of antimicrobial therapy is predicated on knowledge of the potential pathogens, the instrument of entry, disease severity and clinical complications.


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