Soybean growth under drought stress and foliar manganese

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Research Paper 01/02/2013
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Soybean growth under drought stress and foliar manganese

Soheil Kobraee, Keyvan Shamsi, Vaghar Mohammad Saeed
Int. J. Biosci.3( 2), 122-131, February 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The objective of the present study was to investigate effect of manganese foliar application on soybean growth under drought stress condition. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted as a split split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replicates in Kermanshah province, Iran, 2010. Treatments includes: two irrigation regimes, two foliar treatments, and eight soybean cultivars. At the V4 growth stage, the plants were sprayed twice with 0.5% manganese liquid or distilled water. During the reproductive growth stages, five plants were selected from each plot randomly and leaf area index, stem, leaf, pod, and seed dry weight were measured. The results shown that in stressed plants leaf, stem, pod and seed dry weight was reduced. Total dry weight decreased with irrigation withholding by 12.5%. In addition, soybean plants have lower leaves at the end of growing season under water deficit conditions. Furthermore, in well water condition, Clark, Williams, and DPX cultivars had the highest response to Mn foliar application. Also, Mn application at water deficit condition had significant effect on pod and grain dry weight in all of evaluated cultivars. Total dry weight of M7 cultivar had the lowest response to manganese application in both condition compared the other cultivars.


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