Spatial distribution and nidification record of Himalayan Monal and Koklass Pheasants in Kalam district Swat, KP, Pakistan.

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Research Paper 01/08/2014
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Spatial distribution and nidification record of Himalayan Monal and Koklass Pheasants in Kalam district Swat, KP, Pakistan.

Akbar Shah, Mian Sayed Khan, Muhammad Siddique Awan, Riaz Aziz Minhas, Naveed Akhtar, Kausar Saeed
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 296-305, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Himalayan Monal and Koklass were observed from three selected sites (Batandar, Anakar and Janshai) in winter about 7900ft and 7500ft and in summer 12381ft and 10108ft from the sea level respectively. The altitudinal migration of Himalayan Monal and Koklass from lower to upper elevated zones was the result of human activities and livestock grazing in summer season while their downward migration was the result of heavy snowfall in their natural habitats. The first nidification record was also observed in kalam valley during the study sites where three nests were detected one of Monal pheasant and two of Koklass pheasant. The Koklass nests were present on the ground at batandar (8620ft), and Janshai (9305ft) while the only nest of Himalayan Monal was observed in Janshai (9447ft). The nesting behavior of Koklass was professionally like other birds but on the ground while the Monal nest was just like a temporary scrapes on the ground. Concluding from the study work that nests of these pheasants are mostly affected from local residents in early summer and foraging mostly from livestock. Awareness and education to the local villagers will help in conservation of habitats. The strict action of wildlife staff against poachers and illegal hunters will also be helpful for the conservation of these pheasants.


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