Steel corrosion by iron oxidant bacteria isolated from sea water

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Research Paper 01/09/2017
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Steel corrosion by iron oxidant bacteria isolated from sea water

I. Ribeiro, V. Moura, P. Moriggi, S. Pereira, L. Procopio
Int. J. Biosci.11( 3), 232-238, September 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The metal corrosion is a spontaneous process accountable for numerous problems for the industry. The corrosion of metals can be classified into four different types, among which is the microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). Among the groups of bacteria responsible for biocorrosion process threre are the Iron oxidizing bacteria (FeOB), which acquire energy required for their metabolism by iron oxidation mechanism, causing great damage to equipment and metal structures. Were isolated using techniques cultures in appropriate media oxidizing iron bacterial colonies form sea water samples near from vessels maintenance areas. To assess the oxidative capacity of the biofilm each colony was carried out the corrosion test of carbon steel coupons AISI-1020, the end of the experiment using the corrosion rate calculation for weight loss. The two colonies that showed a higher rate and corrosion were subjected to sequencing their 16S ribosomal genes and phylogenetic analysis. The identification results showed that the colony M14 has homology with Pseudomonas stutzeri and the colony M28 homology with Bacillus cereus. This study showed that colonization of bacteria on metal surfaces can accelerate abruptly corrosion of metallic alloys used in industry.


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