Study of floristic-ecologic diversity and essential oil variation in Stachys lavandolifolia vahl populations from west of Iran

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Study of floristic-ecologic diversity and essential oil variation in Stachys lavandolifolia vahl populations from west of Iran

Afagh Yavari, Seyed Mehdi Shahgolzari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 1), 281-290, July 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This study carried out for determination and discrimination of floristic-ecologic and essential oil variation within Stachys lavandolifoliaVahl Populations from west of Iran. In order to study diversity in S. lavandolifolia, D.S.S. method was used. Different stations of S. lavandolifolia were explored and 4 special stations were determined among them. floristic-ecologic data collected from each special station. The aerial parts of different populations S. lavandulifolia were collected at full flowering stage from special stations. The essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation and analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Then data obtained were analyzed by Pcord and Canoco software. In the survey of all special stations, 36 plant species were distinguished as associated species. 89 oil components were identified by GC/MS method. As the result of analysis of floristic data, as floristic marker, three groups were determined. Analysis of ecologic data was also confirmed the above mentioned groupment. Essential oil was subjected to determine the level and kind of diversity. 3 groups resulted from essential oil study in special stations. Therefore, in this species, the groupment that introduced by floristic marker, was confirmed by ecological and essential oil data as well. The results of the study have shown that the different populations of S. lavandolifolia were adapted to their habitat and the ranges of chemical variation were high between populations which led to creation of chemotypes.


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