Study of somaclonal variation in two rice cultivars regenerated from embryo culture, using SSR markers

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Research Paper 01/07/2014
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Study of somaclonal variation in two rice cultivars regenerated from embryo culture, using SSR markers

Hamed Salehian, Nad-Ali Babaeian, Nad-Ali Bagheri, Behnam Sedaghati, Farzad Banaei-asl, Sara Kabirnataj
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.5( 1), 23-28, June 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Experiments were carried out to induce somaclonal variation in two different Iranian rice cultivars, Neda and Tarom-Jelodar. In order to induce callus, mature embryos were cultured in MS medium as explant, then the obtained calli were transferred to plants regeneration. The leaf samples were provided from regenerated plantlets of each cultivar and both of maternal as a witness, therefore DNA was extracted. Analysis of microsatellite loci was accomplished by extracted DNA from regenerated rice somaclons. In these samples Somaclonal variation were evaluated by means of Polymerase Chain Reaction with ten SSR Primers. Regardless of cultivars, 36.66% of formed bands using these primers were polymorphic, and similarity coefficient ranges, were 0.52 to 1.00.


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