Study of the impact of the anthropological actions and the climate on the degradation of Retama monosperma (L.). Boiss growing in natural conditions in the Algerian western coast

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Study of the impact of the anthropological actions and the climate on the degradation of Retama monosperma (L.). Boiss growing in natural conditions in the Algerian western coast

Nadia Bouredja, Mustapha Bouredja, Zoheir Mehdadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 4), 236-245, April 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The kind Retama belonging to the family of Legumes, it is endemic of the Mediterranean Basin; Distributed in the various bioclimatic floors, of the wet in the dry characterizes the dune ecosystems, the scrublands and the desert. In Algeria, three specie belonging to the kind Retama are indicated: Retama monosperma Boiss. , Retama retam Webb and Retama sphaerocarpa L. Retama monosperma, develop particularly on the littoral dunes of Algeria. The observations made on the station of study show that Retama monosperma shoot on sandy grounds, weakly wet, averagely alkaline and generally poor in nourishing elements. The low floral diversity noted in this station is certainly understandable by the combined effects of the increasing anthropological pressure and the severe weather conditions. The increase of the anthropological processes represents at the moment a major factor of degradation of the ground and the vegetation in Mediterranean region and in other regions of the world.


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