Study of the plant diversity in Hyrcanian forest (case study: Lajim forest, Mazandaran province, North of Iran)

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Research Paper 01/10/2013
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Study of the plant diversity in Hyrcanian forest (case study: Lajim forest, Mazandaran province, North of Iran)

Mahmoud Radaei, Mohamad Amini
Int. J. Biosci.3( 10), 273-279, October 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Hyrcanian (Caspian) forest in northern Iran has a richness of biological diversity, with endemic and endangered species, and a diverse range of economic and social conditions. The aim of this study is a study of the plant diversity in Lajim forest, Mazandaran province, north of Iran (Hyrcanian forest). In this study 100 circle sample plots (400 m2) were collected by random method. In every sample plot the kind of species and number of trees, shrub and Herbaceous were recorded. Species diversity indexes including Shannon Wiener (H׳), Simpson (1-D) and Margaleff (R1). Data analyzing was done by Past and Ecological Methodological software’s. Results showed that a total of 58 plant species were found in the studied area, of which 14 woody species (10 trees, 4 shrubs) and 44 herbaceous species existed (Table 1). Rosaceae and Fagaceae families play an important role in among plant species. Overall showed that the herbaceous are highest richness, evenness and diversity and Margaleff index has highest average in this study area.


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