Study of the Probiotic Potentialities of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated from Maize (Zea mays) in Côte d’Ivoire

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Study of the Probiotic Potentialities of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated from Maize (Zea mays) in Côte d’Ivoire

N’Guessan Yévi Delphine, Bonny Aya Carole, Aké Moussan Désirée Francine, Assandi Kouamé Rivière, Koffi Djarys Michel
Int. J. Biosci.20( 6), 32-44, June 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The objective of this work is to evaluate the probiotic ability of lactic acid bacteria isolated from fermented maize (Zea mays) pulp in Côte d’Ivoire. To this end, selection criteria, namely antimicrobial activity, resistance to acidity and bile salts, self-aggregation, antibiogram and percentage of hydrophobicity, were carried out on fourteen lactic acid bacteria isolates (LAB). Seven isolates (T1.8; T1.9; T2.3; T2.7; T2.10; T3.1; T3.5) were able to inhibit the growth of Salmonella enterica O:8, Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus aureus, with diameters ranging from 1.1 ± 0.14 to 31.75±2.3 mm. Two isolates (T1.9 and T2.7) showed growth at pH 2 (2.01% ± 0.6 and 3.24% ± 0.1). Isolates T3.4 and T3.5 showed growth (86.17± 0.05%) at 0.3% bile salts. Of all the antibiotics tested, Chloramphenicol was inactive on the isolates tested. However, isolates T3.5, T3.6, T1.4 and T0.5 showed sensitivity to Amoxicillin. As for surface hydrophobicity, a growth rate of 0.6% phenol was observed in isolate T1.9 (71.87 ± 0.06). The maximum rate of self-aggregation (77.35%) was observed in isolate T3.4. In sum, isolates T3.1, T3.7 and T3.4, selected as potential probiotics via the PHEAPMAP software, and revealed by the MalditoF test as belonging to the genera Lactobacillus (Lactobactillus fermentum), could be used to improve maize-based foods.

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