Supercritical water oxidation (Scwo) technology

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Supercritical water oxidation (Scwo) technology

Muhammad Kamran Taj, Farooq Shahzad, Zohra Samreen, Imran Taj, Saima Azam, Ashiq Hussain, Syeda Ayesha Ali, Ghulam Mohammad, Bibi Sazain, Lal Bibi, Syeda Hafsa Ali, Abdul Rasheed Tareen, Nukbha Akbar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 5), 53-70, May 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


As the World’s population continues to grow, technology must be developed to treat wastes of all kinds, and at the same time the energy demand of this increasing population must be met. In both cases waste treatment and energy conversion must be performed with increasing attention to air and water quality on the Earth. Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) systems have the potential to address these problems in an environmentally sound way. Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) is a promising technology for destroying highly toxic organic compounds present in aqueous waste streams. Capitalizing on the properties of water in the supercritical, spontaneous and rapid oxidation of hydrocarbons is obtained with a very high efficiency, forming water, carbon dioxide, and depending on the species of heteroatom present in the organic wasteone or more acids. The extreme operating conditions (i.e., the presence of acids under highly oxidizing conditions in SCWO feeds, high temperatures and high pressures), however, require identification and development of constructional materials that are capable of withstanding such an environment. By capitalizing on the properties of water above its critical point (374oC and 22.4 MPa for pure water), supercritical water technology can potentially be exploited for both waste destruction and energy generation. In the first case, supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) provides rapid and complete oxidation of organics, including chemical nerve agent, with high destruction efficiencies at typical operating temperatures.

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