Surface temperature pattern of asphalt, soil and grass in different weather condition

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Surface temperature pattern of asphalt, soil and grass in different weather condition

A. A. Shamsipour, Gh. Azizi, M. Karimi Ahmadabad, M. Moghbel
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 9), 42-50, September 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Urban Heat Island (UHI) is the result of accelerated urbanization and it is created when natural land covers replaced by heat-absorbing surfaces such as Asphalt, Cement and etc. Therefore, the main objective of this study is analysis of temperature pattern in three different surfaces such as asphalt, soil and grass in Tehran city during the April 2013 under sunny and cloudy weather conditions. To do so, two OPUS 200/300 Data Loggers with three PT100 sensors were installed over surfaces at Geophysics weather station in University of Tehran. Then, the mean daily surface temperature of land covers were simulated using air temperature by a regression model. According to the results, the highest temperature in both sunny and cloudy condition during the day is related to asphalt; soil and grass, respectively while the range of temperature (difference between maximum and minimum temperatures) in sunny condition is more than cloudy condition so that there is reverse relationship between cloudiness and surface temperature. Also, result of regression model illustrated that the model has proper accuracy to estimate surfaces temperature.


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