Synthesis and characterization of jackfruit waste based on chitosan nanocomposite for antimicrobial activity and dye absorption photodegradation studies

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Research Paper 18/02/2024
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Synthesis and characterization of jackfruit waste based on chitosan nanocomposite for antimicrobial activity and dye absorption photodegradation studies

S. Amutha, R. Venkateshwari, E. Pushpalakshmi, E. Amutha, S. Rajaduraipandian, M. Vanaja, G. Annadurai
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 2), 108-122, February 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The aquatic life and populations near the contaminated water sources are seriously at risk for health problems when dye pollutants are disposed of in surface water sources. This study investigated the potential of using a jackfruit waste based on chitosan nanocomposite to treat water contaminated by dyes used in the textile industry. Several techniques, including X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, were used to characterize jackfruit waste based on chitosan nanocomposite. Using the batch adsorption method, the suggested adsorbent’s adsorption capacity was examined. After carefully adjusting the testing parameters, including the adsorbent dose (0.3 g), initial dye concentration (80 mg/L), contact period (24 hours), solution pH (6.4), and temperature (30 °C), the optimum performance was attained. Utilizing a Jackfruit Waste Based on Chitosan Nanocomposite, Rhodamine dye was able to be removed from water with an efficiency of 90.0% utilizing the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms, respectively. The adsorbent exhibited heterogeneous surfaces, and Rhodamine Dye adsorbed spontaneously via thermodynamics. Investigations were conducted into the antibacterial activity of Jackfruit Waste Based on Chitosan Nanocomposite. Furthermore, the present results reveal that Jackfruit Waste Based on Chitosan Nanocomposite is promising in future for the removal of organic dyes and other contaminants like toxic heavy metals from water and wastewater.

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