Open Access Research Paper Views (458) Download (90) Beliefs, knowledge and lived experiences of the higher education institute educators in mitigating climate change Quirino G. Pascua J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 2), 123-134, February 2024. Key: BeliefsEducatorsKnowledgeLived experiencesMitigating climate change Details
Open Access Research Paper Views (369) Download (15) Investigation of the effect of Islamic values, beliefs, and traditions on organizational agility in institutional offices of national Iranian South oilfields company Ghanbar Amirnejad, Elham Khosravi J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 387-398, December 2014. Key: BeliefsInstitutional offices of National Iranian South Oilfields CompanyIslamic valuesOrganizational agilityTraditions Details
Open Access Research Paper Views (423) Download (12) Investigating the relationship between Islamic values, beliefs, and traditions with organizational agility in the government agencies of Khuzestan Ghanbar Amirnejad, NorouzJamalpour J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 366-378, December 2014. Key: BeliefsGovernment agenciesIslamic valuesKhuzestanOrganizational agilityTraditions Details