The effect of air pollution on leaves and pollen of Senecio bicolor in the region of Annaba, Algeria

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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The effect of air pollution on leaves and pollen of Senecio bicolor in the region of Annaba, Algeria

Nadia Tlili, Naziha Bourenane, Nadjette Aimeur, Larbi Boughediri
Int. J. Biosci.11( 4), 24-34, October 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The Annaba city (North-East of Algeria) is characterized by a very polluted atmosphere due of the road traffic and two big industrial complexes, which have become a danger for the fauna and flora. The present work consists of using the leaves and pollen of Senecio bicolor of Asteraceae family as a bioindicators to estimate the degree of air pollution in the Annaba region. We measured the pH, MF/MS ratio, and assayed chlorophyll and proline, from leaves taken from four sites, which three are in the vicinity of the three air quality control network stations installed in Annaba. The fourth is a control site in Seraïdi. At the same sites we exposed to air, also, 1g of pollen for 24 hours. The analysis of air quality control network showed the existence of pollution caused especially by the dust notably at station 2 (80.14 µg/m3), far exceeds the WHO threshold (50 μg / m3). Our results showed that the amount of dust deposited on the leaf surfaces notably at station 2, causing significant disturbances in their metabolisms especially at the level of the chlorophyll content (40.22 – 20.52 µg/g), the content of the proline (24.38 – 98.89 µg/g) and viability of pollen (68.66 – 31.33 %) which can easily be observed compared to the control zone, which is far from the source of emission. In conclusion the bioindication by the leaves and the pollen seems to be effective to estimate the quality of the air.


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