The effect of environmental factors on rotifers abundance in Oubeira Lake (North East of Algeria)

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The effect of environmental factors on rotifers abundance in Oubeira Lake (North East of Algeria)

Sehili Nadira, Arif Salah, Belhaoues Saber, HassenTouati, Bensouilah Mourad
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 158-171, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This work aims to study the impact of the variation of physicochemical parameters on the dynamic of the zooplankton community on Lake Oubeira, a wetland of El Kala National Park. Temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen are measured in situ using a field’s multi parameters; the turbidity of the water is evaluated using a turbid meter, the analysis of the nutrients is carried out by colorimetric method, the chlorophyll a with the method of SCOR-UNESCO, and suspended matter with the differential weighing method, the sampling of zooplankton is achieved by a plankton net.The study reports 43 rotifers belonging to 17 different genera. Brachionus and Keratella were the most taxon rich genus being represented by 12 and 11 species, respectively. The Pompholyx camplanata species represents 4/5 of the density of the rotifers counted in spring; the species Brachionus diversicornis and Keratella tropica represent more than 2/3 of the density recorded in summer; Brachionus calyciflorus and Keratella tropica represent more than 4/5 of the density of rotifers in the fall. In winter, there are 39 other species that predominate saving more than 50% of the high density. The results of the Principal component analysis showed that the species Filinia terminalis, B. bidentata, B. diversicornis, B. calyciflorus, Keratella tropica and K. cochlearisvarhispida were correlated positively with the temperature and N-NH4, N-NO3, P-PO4  and Chl-a. The present study shows that the Oubeira Lake had undergone progressive increase in rotifers from 15 (in 1998) to 43 species (in 2016); thus, the community composition of the rotifers indicated that the Oubeira is a highly eutrophic Lake, Furthermore the rotifers  is influenced by changes in the physicochemical parameters of water and rhythm of the seasons.


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