The effect of irrigation and nitrogenous and phosphorous biofertilizers on yield and yield component on chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) ILC482 line

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Research Paper 01/07/2013
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The effect of irrigation and nitrogenous and phosphorous biofertilizers on yield and yield component on chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) ILC482 line

Zahra Rabieyan, Vida Ahmadi
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.3( 7), 21-28, July 2013.
Certificate: IJAAR 2013 [Generate Certificate]


To evaluate the effects of nitrogenous and phosphorous biofertilizers on yield and yield components of chickpea under different irrigation levels a research was conducted in a split plot experiment with three replicationsbased on completelyrandomized block design at Research Field of Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch in the spring of 2009. Irrigation levels (normal and deficit irrigation) were considered as a main factor and also fertilizers levels (control, nitragin, biosuper and nitragin + biosuper) sub factors respectively. Control treatment of biofertilizer showed fewer enhancements. Comparison of biofertilzer treatments showed that nitrogen + biosuper biofertilizer increased more number of pods with one seed per plant by 19/28, number of pods with two seed by 15/28, seed weight per plant by 4/47 g/m2, pod weight per plant by 5/93 g/m2and yield by 89/39g/m2. There is no significant difference among nitragen ,biosuper and control treatments.Comparison of the different irrigation levels effect on number of pods with two seed per plant showed that complete irrigation produced more number of pods with two seed per plant by 24/1.and 100 seed weight by 30/76 g nitragen and biosuper produced significant yield relative to other treatments.


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