The effect of nutritional supplement addition and use of casing overlay to substrate on yield of oyster mushroom (Pleurotusflorida)

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Research Paper 01/10/2015
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The effect of nutritional supplement addition and use of casing overlay to substrate on yield of oyster mushroom (Pleurotusflorida)

Zahra Eslaminezhad, Javid Emaratpardaz, JaberPanahandeh
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 4), 61-67, October 2015.
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Improving yield, biological efficiency (BE) and number of pinhead formation in Pleurotusflorida where achieved by nutritional supplement addition and use of casing overlay to substrate. In the present study utilization of soybean meal at two levels (2.5%- 5 % dry substrate weight) and Hogland solution (Hogland, ½ Hogland) without the use or with avail of casing overlay to substrate and with control substrate were evaluated. The results indicated that the addition of nutritional supplement and use of casing overlay to substrate had significant effect on yield and pinhead formation of oyster mushroom. Among the treatments, substrate received Hoagland solution (H, ½ H) without use of casing overlay had the lowest number of days to pinhead formation (20.5 days). The maximum first yield (492.96 g/g) was observed in the use casing supplemented with 2.5% of soybean meal. Casing combined with ½ Hogland solution had the highest total yield (1121. 71 g/g), and biological efficiency (140.215). In general, It seems that application of Hogland solution for mushroom cultivation was very helpful to obtain high yield and high quality.

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