The impact of silica and urea fertilization to yield characters and seed quality of IPB 3S rice varieties in lowland swamp ecology

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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The impact of silica and urea fertilization to yield characters and seed quality of IPB 3S rice varieties in lowland swamp ecology

Aldi Kamal Wijaya, Memen Surahman, Abdul Qadir, Giyanto
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.14( 6), 25-31, June 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


IPB 3S rice has high yield potential, but was reported low productivity is caused by high empty grain, lodging, and unbalancing nutrient. Lowland swamp ecology to be an alternatif to increase rice production, but has low pH, high Fe, and unbalancing nutrient for rice cultivation in its ecology. The low productivity could be overcome by fertilization of N, P, K, and Silica (Si). This study aims to determine the impact of the silica and urea fertilization to yield characters and seed quality of IPB 3S rice varieties in lowland swamp ecology. The research was carried on June to September 2017 in Banyuasin, South Sumatera. The experiment was arranged in a Factorial Randomized Block Design consisting with doses of Silica (1.33L ha-1 in twice application, 2L ha-1 in once application, and 2L ha-1 in twice application), and doses of Urea in twice application (2.5kg ha-1, 3.3kg ha-1, and 5kg ha-1). Silica affected the tiller number (TN), productive tiller number (PTN), grain number panicle-1 (GNP), and filled grain number panicle-1 (FGNP), and doses of 1.33L showed the highest those characters. Urea affected the GNP, FGNP, filled grain number clumps-1 (FGNC), and doses of 5kg ha-1 showed the highest those characters. The interaction affected the TN, PTN, GNP, and FGNP, and interaction of 1.33L and 5kg ha-1 showed the highest those characters. Neither, silica and urea didn’t affect seed quality, but 1.33L and 2.5kg ha-1 interaction showed the highest growth rate.


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