The mineralization of Titanium (Ti) and Iron (Fe) in gabbros of ophiolitic fanouj zone (Sistan & Baluchestan, Iran)

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The mineralization of Titanium (Ti) and Iron (Fe) in gabbros of ophiolitic fanouj zone (Sistan & Baluchestan, Iran)

Majid Falaknazi, Mehrdad Karimi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 432-440, December 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The ophiolitic complex of west Fanouj is located at 200km of southwest of Iran shahr and near Kheirabad village in Sistan & Baluchestan province. This Ophiolitic complex is in the obduction zone of oceanic crust of the Oman Sea between Makran coast faults and Fanouj fault (with east-west trend) and is often located in inverse status. Ophiolites of west Fanouj are composed of three units including gabbro, diabasic dikes, and a small amount of micro-diorite and peridotite. Ilmenite is the main mineral of titanium that is formed with magnetite as cross-crystal after crystallization of plagioclase, Olivine, and pyroxene and often combined with amphibole in gabbro ores. Under high oxygen fugacity condition, formation of extensive gabbro masses which is accompanied by crystallization of plagioclase and pyroxene has made a Ti-Fe-rich fluid formation while the main host of illmenite reserves, the ferro- gabbro ore is forming. Together with gradual crystallization process and reduction inconsistent elements such as Cr and Mg and increase in inconsistent elements such as Mn, Na, and Ti from lower part to upper parts of ophiolitic complex indicate formation of this complex by crystal subtraction process from Ti-rich tholeitic magma.


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