The occurrence of priority pesticides in the soil and groundwater of Peshawar

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The occurrence of priority pesticides in the soil and groundwater of Peshawar

Asma Khan, Muhammad Suleman
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 253-265, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Priority pesticides imidacloprid (IMD), glyphosate (GLYP), pendimethalin (PND) were monitored in soil and water samples collected from different areas of Peshawar. Sampling locations were grouped into four regions based on agricultural activities. Priority pesticides were extracted from the soil and water samples and analyzed by HPLC. The results of the soil samples showed that IMD was in the range of up to 0.10 mgKg-1 and was detected in 24% of the region I samples. All the four regions’ soil was found to be contaminated with PND, with the highest (0.18 mgKg-1) was found in the region I samples. GLYP was only found in the region I samples. The analysis of the water sample showed that IMD was up to 11.40 µgL-1 39% in region II while 64% in the region I samples. PND was not detected in region IV samples, however, a higher PND (3.21 µgL-1) was present in the region I samples. Water samples of the region I (18%) were reported with higher GLYP concentration. It can be concluded that the priority pesticides have the potential to contaminate groundwater, therefore these pesticides should be considered in the environmental studies.


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