The relationship between locus of control with methods of coping with stress in young male athletes of team sports

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Research Paper 01/12/2014
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The relationship between locus of control with methods of coping with stress in young male athletes of team sports

Khatereh Heidari, Pouneh Mokhtari, Samira Mashhoodi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 160-167, December 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between locus of control with methods of coping with stress in young male athletes of team sports in Karaj. In this study, 120 athletes of team sports were selected through stratified non-random sampling method. This study is conducted through correlation and regression research methodology. Data were collected by Lonson questionnaire of locus of control (1981), and Endler & Parker coping with stress methods (1990), then, the normality of data was revealed using Kolomogorov- Smirnov test. Because of the lack variance homogeneity and nonparametric statistics, Kendall’s correlation coefficient and multiple regressions were used. Test results showed that athletes of team sports with internal locus of control have used three coping methods, but they were more inclined toward emotion-focused coping method, and 22.3% were inclined toward emotion-focused coping method because of internal locus of control. Also, the athletes of team sports with external locus of control-tendency toward chance were avoidance-oriented, and 15.7% inclined toward avoidance due to the presence of external locus of control-tendency toward chance. However, athletes of team sports with external locus of control-tendency toward powerful people, used each three methods of coping, but they were more inclined toward problem-focused coping method, and 20.9% were inclined toward problem-focused coping method through external locus of control-tendency toward powerful people.


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