The role of women in agriculture: Implications in providing, improving household food security, for reducing hunger and malnutrition in rural communities

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Research Paper 01/02/2022
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The role of women in agriculture: Implications in providing, improving household food security, for reducing hunger and malnutrition in rural communities

Douglas Marowa
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.20( 2), 12-24, February 2022.
Certificate: IJAAR 2022 [Generate Certificate]


There has been less recognition to women contribute to agricultural and food security. Women’s work in the agriculture and food security often remains invisible. The research sought to investigate the role of women agriculture in providing household food security and reducing of hunger and malnutrition in rural communities. The research used a survey research design, quantitative and qualitative data was gathered. Findings were that social and economic constraints place barriers around women’s access to agricultural land and empowerment. Women had a high positive attitude to the variables on; interest in contributing to household, understanding of food security and socio-economic development. Men own land and livestock at household level, livestock for women were realized through payment of the bride prize. The country was not food secured, 68% of the household could not afford three meals per day, malnutrition remains at 9% and the four dimension of food security were averaging 23.25%. Given equal treatment, women could produce high crop yield and can play role in food processing, in nutrition, gardening and agricultural cooperatives. Farming and agricultural policies need to address factors that were affecting the potential of women in improving food security. This would help in fully utilization of the roles of women in providing and improving household food security and reduce hunger and malnutrition in the rural communities. Noted implications of not involving and empowering women in agriculture was food insecurity in the rural communities as food availability, accessibility, utilisation and stability was to achieved year around in the communities.

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