The Study and Analysis of Government’s Role in Rapid Growth of Urbanization (Case Study, Ardabil City)

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Research Paper 01/10/2015
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The Study and Analysis of Government’s Role in Rapid Growth of Urbanization (Case Study, Ardabil City)

Darvishi Youssef, Panahi Gorban, Elnaz Madadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 4), 155-168, October 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Migratory patterns and population growth in urban areas have been taken for granted in developing countries. In such a condition cities have undergone changes in two directions. On the one hand capital flow led to urban growth and rapid change of urban functions, which is also reflected in spatial expansion of cities, and on the other hand the large mass of migrators have led to suburbanization in the fringes of cities. Urbanization has rapidly developed in Iran. The pattern of urban expansion in Iran has been of uni-urbanized and centralized kind. During last four decades Iran has experienced several booms such as oil and urbanization booms. Proportionate to changes occurred during the time when Ardabil was classified as the center of province and due to the lack of planning and management from governmental organizations, this city had gradually experienced migrators’ rush from countries; and due to the lack of dwelling inside the city area, the city expanded and sprawled rapidly in space. Therefore, in this research we try to study the role of government in rapid growth of Ardabil city. Research method is descriptive-analysis and of survey kind; and data collection is done through documentary and field studies, acquiring statistics from the related governmental centers, and questionnaire and interview. The existence of suitable farmlands in the suburbs of Ardabil city and the lack control over them paved the way for speculators to sell these farmlands for migrants without having license to do so.


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