The use of plants extracts in the improvement of cowpea yield at dang (Ngaoundere, Cameroon)

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Research Paper 01/01/2021
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The use of plants extracts in the improvement of cowpea yield at dang (Ngaoundere, Cameroon)

Kapeuhag Latchikou Casimir, Barry Borkeum Raoul, Wini Goudoungou Jean, Dabolé Massah Odette, Ngakou Albert, Nukenine Elias Nchiwan
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.18( 1), 41-45, January 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


In the substitution of chemical insecticides with potential biopesticides, the efficiency of Lippia multiflora, Plectranthus glandulosus and Callistemon rigidus were evaluated on the improvement of cowpea (Vinia unguiculata) in Dang (Ngaoundere, Cameroon). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with 5 treatments repeated 4 times each: the negative control, the positive control (Decis), L. multiflora, P. glandulosus and C. rigidus. These different insecticides were sprayed on cowpea plants with 14 days interval starting from the 14th day after sowing. The parameters collected were the diversity of insect pests, the number of pods, and the dry weight of the grains. All of the insecticides used improved cowpea yields. Although less efficient than Decis, most biopesticides significantly (p < 0.001) improved the yield of cowpeas compared to the negative control. This improvement was 260% for C. rigidus, and 120% for P. glandulosus. These results suggest that C. rigidus, P. glandulosus and L. multiflora could be considered as potential substitutes for chemical insecticides in improving cowpea yields.

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